Cooking with High-Performers with Ella Davar - WellWater

Cooking with High-Performers with Ella Davar

We absolutely love connecting with other Female founders. Ella Davar represents the best of the wellness industry filled with an abundance of knowledge, and practical solutions for wellness issues most of use face. 

Tune in to her new podcast episode of “Cooking with High-Performers”on YouTube @elladavar.

In this beautiful episode wellness queens Ella and Liliana whip up a Green Goddess Smoothie designed to nourish your skin and optimize gut microbiome. 

🎙️ Listen as they discuss:
- Alkaline recipes for optimal health
- Tips on female entrepreneurship
- how to embody leadership to Inspire while feeling inspired
- The power of mature feminine energy and becoming a muse
-facial reflexology, ancient somatic tools, Gua sha and beauty from within

We were so honored to be a part of this episode. Listen to learn more about the benefits of WellWater products, how they can support your Circadian Rhythm, and be incorporated into your daily life to optimize your wellness. 

While learning how to make a delicious green smoothie packed with benefits to add to your mornings. 

About Ella Davar RD: 

Longevity Dietician, Gut Health Nutrionist, TEDx Speaker, Global Wellness, Advocate, Podcast Host and Book Author. 

Founder of: The Gut-Brain Method: Weight loss and Metabolism Optimization Porgram.

For almost a decade, Ella has helped over 2000 clients achieve their health and weight loss goals, improve digestion, and develop new habits to live a healthier life.

 See us in Ella’s favorite Wellness Picks: